THERE ARE MANY iconic images of Dublin doing the rounds but a single snap of a local enjoying a bag of chips has well and truly gone global.
The charming image – which originally featured on Instagram account Dublin Daily on March 11th – made it all the way to the front page of Imgur over the weekend, amassing over 750,000 views.
The unidentified man’s delight charmed Imgur viewers, and even inspired a Redditor – Shitty_Watercolour – to pay homage to him.
Derek Kennedy – the man behind Dublin Daily – told that he is delighted about the little picture’s success.He snaps an image a day on his lunch break and never imagined that the page would attract so much attention.
“I don’t know who the man was but he gave me permission to take the picture” he revealed.
I usually stop and talk to the people but I didn’t have time that day. I wish I had now.
You can check out all of Derek’s photos on Dublin Daily’s Instagram account.